Running Man is a TV series that broadcasts every Sunday on SBS channel with never seen before genre variety shows. The cast for this show consists of Yoo Jaesuk, Gary, HaHa, Ji Sukjin, Kim Jongkook, Lee Kwangsoo and Song JiHyo. With Lee Kwangsoo's successful fanmeet in Singapore last month, we can expect more when five of the cast is in town.
Singapore let's welcome Kim Jongkook, HaHa, Ji Sukjin and the monday couple a very warm welcome for their visit next month!
EVENT DATE: 19th October 2013 - 7.30pm
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 2B
248/ 218/ 188/ 158 [SGD]
Tickets will be available on from 21st September onwards.
First 300 to purchase $248 tickets will receive an exclusive pass to meet the start up close and personal. You are also eligible for a free random autograph from the starts!
Priority Sales:
Spend minimum of $100 at any Watsons' outlet from 5th - 19th September in a single receipt and you will be eligible to purchase tickets on 20th September at any sistics outlet.
*Limit to one pair of tickets per receipt.
Information: ONETVASIA
ONE TV ASIA twitter